Til Sonja Lodge #2-038
Sonja Lodge Welcomes You!
Sonja Lodge No. 38, Sons of Norway, was organized on October 2, 1937, with 53 charter members. The Lodge was named after Sonja Henie, the Norwegian Olympic gold medal ice skater and film star. This year we are celebrating our 86th year as a lodge!
Everyone is Welcome to Join our Lodge!
You don't have to be a Scandinavian to join. If you have Norwegian roots, Scandinavian ties, or just simply an interest in the culture, YOU are WELCOME!
The Sons of Norway was created by a few Norwegian Immigrants who wanted to provide a system of financial protection for each other and their families. The organization has expanded to include the preservation of Norwegian heritage & culture. Click on the link to learn more about Sons of Norway History 1895-2020.
We Are a Group of Individuals Who Enjoy Preserving &
Celebrating the Heritage & Culture of Norway.
Sonja Lodge encourages members to participate in the many offered classes, activities, and groups. In the Menu Bar under "How to Get Involved"; you can learn more about the Sports Medal & Cultural Medal programs, Sonja Daughters, the Norsemen, and current class offerings.
Some of Our Traditional Lodge Events Are....
Norway's Constitution Day on May 17, lodge summer picnic, Holiday bazaar, Juletrefest (Holiday party), Lefse and Norwegian cooking making, and annual dinners including the Lutefisk and meatball dinner in January, Lapskaus (Norwegian Stew) dinner in the spring and Torsk (poached cod) dinner in the fall.
We Welcome Everyone Who is Interested in Learning
More About Scandinavian, & Especially
Norwegian Culture & Heritage.
Membership in Sonja Lodge continues to grow. See the Meeting Schedule under About Us or send us a message in the 'Join our Mailing List', shown below.
We Currently Have Classes and Upcoming Events
Learn more and about our events at the: Upcoming Events page
and Calendar, located in the menu bar, for classes and other activities.
Calendar Key: Lodge (L), Virtually (V), or Hybrid (H), at lodge and online).
You can follow us on Facebook, recent posts displayed below.
If you would like email notifications regarding lodge events, please join our mailing list below.
If you're considering becoming a member of SON, please email
"We look forward to seeing you!
Daniel Moore - Lodge President
Join the Mailing List